“Dylan Brody’s twists of his psyche are cathartic for him and thrilling for his audience.
Comedy Express 1989
2010 New York Public Library's tribute to George Carlin
A&E's Comedy on the Road 1994
DYLAN BRODY’S DRIVING HOLLYWOOD (special) Currently streaming at NextUpComedy.com
David Sedaris’ book tours three years running
“His writing is brilliant. ”
CORNER OF STARBUCKS AND CHRISTOPHER STREET (special) Currently streaming at Revry.tv
MORE ARTS/LESS MARTIAL (special) Currently streaming at BlondeMedicine.com
Five CDs With Stand-up Records
Digital Album available at BlondeMedicine.com
Two appearances on The Greenroom with Paul Provenza (Showtime)
New York Public Library’s Tribute to George Carlin (Hosted by Whoopi Goldberg)
MIT’s Council For The Arts — two engagements, one in Los Angeles one on the MIT Campus
A&E’s Comedy on the Road
FOX TV’s Comedy Express